Motivation for Further to Study in Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokaraj Campus, Academic year 2012

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เดชชาติ ตรีทรัพย์


The objectives of this research were as follows 1) To study the motivation in dicision making to learn in Mahamakut Buddhist university, Sridhammasokaraj campus on student’s opinions 2) To compare the factors which were effected in decision making to learn in Mahamakut Buddhist university, Sridhammasokaraj campus on student’s opinions. 3) To study the suggestions concerned with problems and obstacles in dicistion making to learn in Mahamakut Buddhist university on student’s opinions. The population were 1,030 students in Mahamakut Buddhist university, Sridhammasokaraj campus, academic year 2011, data collection was done by lotto as simple random sampling, both formal and informal student list, the sample of 285 students were returned, descriptive statistics were used as follows; frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and deductive statistics i.e. t-test, one way ANOVA and to test the arithmetic mean in each pair by LSD method, (Least Significant Difference) The results of research were found that: The 157 students in Sridhammasokaraj campus were mostly female (55.09%). There were 187 lay people (65.61%) 102 persons were aged during 25-35 years old (35.79%) 150 B.A. students were majored in government (52.63%) 98 of them (34.38%) were government officers/government enterprise 94 of them (32.98%) had income during 15,001-20,000 bath amounting 81 persons (28.42%) when considered in terms of promotive factors and dependent variable, they were found that. 1) The students in in Sridhammasokaraj campus had motivation in decision making to learn in Mahamakut Buddhist university, Sridhammasokaraj campus by overview being at moderate level. 2) The students in Sridhammasokaraj campus who have a term of sexes, statuses, ages, degrees of education, departments, occupations and monthly incomes were differently. They had motivation in decision making to learn in Mahamakut Buddhist university, Sridhammasokaraj campus by overview including 5 aspects being different as statistical significantce at.001. 3) The students in Sridhammasokaraj campus had recommended that the university should add more departments, there should have a good landscape, there should have public informations, advertising, mass media informations to spread informations for society reconmentdation. The university should save budget of student by reduction of some activities during the students courses.

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How to Cite
ตรีทรัพย์ เ. (2017). Motivation for Further to Study in Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokaraj Campus, Academic year 2012. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 8(1), 131–139. Retrieved from
Research Article


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