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ธเนศพล อินทร์จันทร์


This research aimed 1) to research the Finance and Budget of the Khukhot Municipality, Lum Luk Ka District Pathum Thani Province. 2) to compare the opinions of the administrative staff and members of the Khukhot Municipality, Lum Luk Ka District Pathum Thani Province. Classified by position On Finance and Budget of the Khukhot Municipality 3) to study the suggestions and demands on the Budget, Finance and Administration of the Khukhot Municipality. The guide further implementation. The samples include executive staff member Khukhot Municipality and village leaders in Khukhot Municipality total of 48 instruments to collect data, including five scales used in the statistical analysis of the data, including average, standard deviation, frequency and t-test. Analysis of the data shows that financial management and budget administration Khukhot Municipality, Lum Luk Ka District Pathum Thani Province. overall level. This may be because the executive management covering all aspects of the budget. The audit assessed the financialManagement and accounting. Procurement and Asset Management And the preparation and the proposed budget, respectively. Comparing the opinions of administrators and members. By Position On financial management and budget administration. Khukhot Municipality, Lum Luk Ka District Pathum Thani Province. The field as a whole did not differ statistically significant at the 0.05 level, based on the revenue side, found all the difference. Suggestions and needs are. Administrators need to know the rules Regulations and practices relating to the financial and procurement as well. Moral principles of good governance and executive management should use the school as a base.

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How to Cite
อินทร์จันทร์ ธ. (2019). FINANCE AND BUDGET MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE KHUKHOT MUNICIPALITY, LUM LUK KA DISTRICT PATHUM THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 10(2), 58–72. Retrieved from
Research Article


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