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The problem of homeless people in thai society is seen as a problem at the individual level. But in fact, the problem is a reflection of the failure of the thai economy and society. Which homeless people are considered to be a population group that thai society has negative attitudes towards them is seen as a social problem and is a burden of society Which such external image results in homeless people having to face various dimensions. such as life, access to basic service rights and government welfare and social opportunities Which most of them are often seen as disrespectful denied employment expelled from public areas being excluded from society from the problems that homeless people have to face need to use the concept of empowerment by using Buddhism principles as a medium to drive working with "Inside of life" of homeless people. The principles applied will consist of Dharma Singkalik formula. Which is the principle of relationship with people in a holistic society and the Four Noble Truths of the Principles to empower the homeless. By being aware of problems that arise with oneself to the review process to change ideas and open new perspectives Which empowerment by using Buddhism principles may be another way to be able to help homeless people have physical strength and encouragement in the face of various situations can be strong and sustainable It also fulfills human values for homeless people.
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