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Phramahachakkapol Siritharo


Thailand 4.0 was the government’s vision in driving Thailand’s policies on development of new economy under the concept “For Stability, Prosperity and Sustainability.” The important mission of Thailand 4.0 was to create a way to drive the country’s development through technologies and innovations for sustainable development foundation in a long term. A significant development problem of Thai society was a process of improving human capabilities. After the Eighth National Economic and Social Development Plan (1997 – 2001), an integrated development was definitely focused by the country’s government on the people-centered development, so education became the country’s important base for developing the quality of people in the society. In addition, awareness of morality and ethics, and self-practice on the Buddha’s teachings looked like a tool or an instrument to enhance people’s quality; therefore, the Buddhist monks played their important roles to propagate the Buddhist principles and to recommend the Buddhists to integrate their living life with the Buddhist principles. The objective of the academic article “Buddhism Propagation in Thailand 4.0” was to present the model for teaching and propagation of the Buddha’s teachings through an up-to-date approach, which was referred to not only teaching or learning outside the classroom but also transforming the teacher’s role from a lecturer to a coach who gave his learners or students the advice on skills of learning and innovation, including information, media and technology. The teacher’s role change was aimed at boredom alleviation for learners or students studying the Buddha’s teachings and promotion of modern technology utilization as a tool for Buddhism propagation in the era of Thailand 4.0. For instance, video clips or short movies were made based on aspects and points of view, reflecting what the sender/encoder required the receiver/decoder to realize easily. In addition, the Buddhist teachings were exposed with simple expressions, funny and easily understood

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How to Cite
Siritharo, P. . (2020). BUDDHISM PROPAGATION IN THAILAND 4.0. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 11(1), 80–90. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/yri/article/view/244033
Academic Article


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