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Wichitttra Sonta


This research article had the objectives as follows: 1) identify the components of quality management in secondary school 2) verify the components of quality management in secondary school. The samples were 100 world class standard school. The respondents 300 persons. The research instruments were semi-structured interview, opinionnaire and questionaire (for confirm the components). The statistical used for data analyzing were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and content analysis. The research findings were as follow: The components of quality management in secondary school consist of 4 main components and 9 sub-components were 1) Academic Management 1.1) Participatory academic management 1.2) Enhancing learning environment 1.3) Enhancment of learner’s competencies 2) Strategic management 2.1) Strategic planning 2.2) Strategy implementation driving 2.3) Monitoring and Evaluation of Achievement 3) Human resource development 3.1) Continuous personal development 3.2) Build up of satisfaction and engagement in school 3.3) Build up of school core value and 4) Monitoring Evaluation and improvement. The factor loading of observed one variable values between 0.501 to 0.812. Variance of variable can explain 52.95 percent and the experts confirmed that the components they were accuracy, propriety, feasibility and utility.

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How to Cite
Sonta, W. . (2021). THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 12(1), 34–44. Retrieved from
Research Article


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