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Somjintana Jirayukul
Winaithorn Wichaidit
Sutidarat Mattavarat


      This research aimed to manage and distribute knowledge based of the production process and management of Thai  craft , the  Thai classical music and  the cultural tourism in Thonburi district  for Inheritance  Thai  culture. This research was research program, made by research and development. The result showed that : 1.  The operation of production process  of Thai craft  had production guideline, identity and way of Thai art and cultural in Dhonburi District to paper mache product. According to the management of Thai craft culture conservation and Inheritance , the management process :Planning , Organizing,Leading and Controlling ,the outcome not only aim to make profit, but also  to create valuable of Thai craft and to conserve the traditional . 2. Thai classical music culture sources Ban Partayakoson,  it was found that located on Thonburi bank of The Chao Phraya River since then under the successor of the 8th generation; according to the management administration of the band mostly focused on art according to the artist  did not aim to make profits, but to create musical work and to conserve the tradition of Thai classical music. 3. The cultural tourism : The Kamphaengthongphatthana community is an old community, they have historic sites, antiques and historical stories. beliefs about artistic aesthetics, local culture and the simple way of living consistent. The management process both 4 aspects: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. The management results are not intended to generate profits or experience business success but creative and continue to develop the community as a cultural tourism destination in Thailand. The results of the assessment of the appropriateness of information, knowledge management in the video format and media, the overall picture is at the highest level  (X = 4.62,  S.D. = 0.47)

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How to Cite
Jirayukul, S. ., Wichaidit, W. ., & Mattavarat, S. . (2021). THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FOR INHERITANCE THAI CULTURAL IN DHONBURI DISTRICT, BANGKOK. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 12(2), 95–105. Retrieved from
Research Article


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