Management efficiency of the administrators of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Sing Buri Province.

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Dhammarut Khiaokaeo


       Academic article on Management effectiveness of the administrators of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Sing Buri Province. It is a presentation about the management effectiveness of the administrators of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Concepts of management effectiveness and concepts about organizational management to study the use of good governance principles in the management of the administrators of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Sing Buri Province. As a result, decentralization gives local administrative organizations freedom in management.Personnel management fiscal management has their own laws and regulations by applying good governance principles in practice to create transparency. Create awareness to appear at every level, the topic of strengthening the principles of good corporate governance is strengthening public participation. Be transparent have a sense of responsibility and what will facilitate action Compliant and further guidelines

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How to Cite
Khiaokaeo, D. (2023). Management efficiency of the administrators of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Sing Buri Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 14(2), 120–131. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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