
  • Bulakorn Somsai Mahasarakham University
  • Krisakorn Onlamul Mahasarakham University


Pong Lang Band, The History, The Contest


          The objectives of this research article was to Study the history of Pong Lang Band Contest, Which is a folk music of Isan that is widely popular. It is considered one of the important branches of art and culture in the Northeast. The Pong Lang band contest has been contested for more than 40 years. The researcher studied from the contest documents and interviews from many folk music experts. The tools used in this research were surveys, observation forms, in - depth interviews. and group chat. The results showed that ; Originally, the Pong Lang orchestra had no contest but played for entertainment in the village by Mr. Plueng Chairasmee, developed and brought Pong Lang to play in the village. This was the first time in the form of Pong Lang orchestra in 1962. which consisted of Pong Lang, Pin, Can, Vote, Isan, drums, cymbals, and cymbals. And started the contest for the first time in 1975 at the radio station 909 Klang (National Security Directorate), Sakon Nakhon Province. Later, in 1987, there was a Pong Lang band contest at the Kalasin Red Cross event. and in the same year There was a contest of Pong Lang orchestra in student arts and crafts for the first time, later in 2006. There was a contest for the first time in Thailand Pong Lang Championship and in 2008, the Pong Lang Contest was held for the first time. organized by the Department of Physical Education The Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Recreation, and in 2008, the Pong Lang Contest was held for the first time. organized by the Bureau of Culture and the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University, for the first time in collaboration with Isan TV and the contest is held every year until now.


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How to Cite

Somsai, B., & Onlamul, K. (2022). PONG LANG : CONTEST, THE DYNAMICS THAT DRIVE THE CULTURE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(4), 45–56. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/252737



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