Non-Existence of Non-Negative Integer Solutions of the Diophantine Equation a^x+b^y=z^2

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Apirat Siraworakun
Suton Tadee


Let gif.latex?a and gif.latex?b be positive integers. In this paper, we show that if there exists a prime gif.latex?p where gif.latex?p\equiv&space;3,5\left&space;(&space;mod\;&space;8&space;\right&space;) such that gif.latex?a\equiv&space;1\left&space;(&space;mod&space;\,&space;p&space;\right&space;) and gif.latex?b\equiv&space;1\left&space;(&space;mod&space;\,&space;p&space;\right&space;) , then the Diophantine equation gif.latex?a^{x}+b^{y}=z^{2}  has no non-negative integer solution.

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How to Cite
Siraworakun, A., & Tadee, S. (2022). Non-Existence of Non-Negative Integer Solutions of the Diophantine Equation a^x+b^y=z^2. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 6(1), 25–30.
Research Articles in Science


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