STEM identify Another factor that will promote achievement of STEM education in Thailand

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ลฎาภา ลดาชาติ
ลือชา ลดาชาติ


Thailand has endorsed human development in science, technology and innovation as part of the 20-year national strategy. STEM education has become an educational policy that drives Thailand’s economic and social development in a long term. The key goals of STEM education are not only to promote STEM literacy for all citizens, but also to increase the workforce in STEM professions. In this regard, one important factor determining that students, when completing basic education, will pursue higher education and careers in STEM is whether or not they have STEM identity—seeing oneself as a STEM person. Although research in STEM education has constantly increased in Thailand, students’ STEM identity has gained little attention. This becomes a significant limitation in driving the 20-year national strategy because students achieving success in learning STEM may not ultimately choose STEM-related careers. Thus, this article aims to introduce basic notions about STEM identity that can be a guide for investigating and developing students’ STEM identity, which will influence them to choose the pursuit of STEM in higher education and careers in future.

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How to Cite
ลดาชาติ ล., & ลดาชาติ ล. (2022). STEM identify: Another factor that will promote achievement of STEM education in Thailand. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 5(1), 148–157.
Academic Articles in Science Education


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