The development of energy literacy and science communication competence of grade-12 students using 5E inquiry learning model with interactive computer-assisted instruction in the miracle of ethanol from rice straw to smart fuel cells

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Vitavas Jumpathong
Wannapa Thuwawit
Jurarat Thammaprateep


The purpose of this research was to study the energy literacy and scientific communication competence of grade-12 students who learned using inquiry-based learning with an interactive computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in the topic of "the miracle of ethanol from straw rice to smart fuel cells” The research sample consisted of 44 grade-12 students at Angthongpatthamarotwitthayakhom School, Angthong Province, obtained by purposive sampling. The employed research instruments were 1) an inquiry-based learning with CAI lesson plan in the topic of " the miracle of ethanol from straw rice to smart fuel cells”, 2) the energy literacy assessment form, and 3) the science communication competence assessment form. The data was analyzed using the frequency and percentage. The results of the research were as follows: 1) the students' energy literacy, the post-learning through inquiry-based learning with interactive CAI lessons, most of the students were at a good level, 95.45 % (42 students) and 2) the students' scientific communication competence in each element after learning the inquiry-based learning with the interactive CAI lessons from the assessment 3 times were found that the percentage of scores from assessed all of the elements have positive trends from the previous assessment round, respectively and then calculate the average percent of scores from 3 times assessment, it found that most of the students were at good level, 88.07% (39 students). In term of 4 elements of scientific communication competence, namely content, context, language and representation, most of students, more than 85.00% (37 people) were at good level.

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How to Cite
Jumpathong, V., Thuwawit, W., & Thammaprateep, J. (2022). The development of energy literacy and science communication competence of grade-12 students using 5E inquiry learning model with interactive computer-assisted instruction in the miracle of ethanol from rice straw to smart fuel cells. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 6(1), 91–104.
Research Articles in Science Education


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