The Influence of Product and Price of Broiler Feed with Hemp on Purchase Intention through Trust in the Product: A Comparison between CBD and By-product from Leaves and Leaf Stalks

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Chitawanphat Weerasai
Jatuporn Kajaysri


      This study’s main objectives aim to investigate the influence of the product and price of broiler feed with hemp on purchase intention through trust in the product: a comparison between CBD and by-products from leaves and leaf stalks. A sample was collected from 228 people who were involved with raising and/or broiler feed as farmers, veterinarians, and animal husbandries professionals. A questionnaire was employed as a tool to collect data. Hypotheses were tested using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) employing SmartPLS.The results revealed that the product of broiler feed with hemp has a significantly positive indirect influence on purchase intention through trust in the product, both CBD and by-products from leaves and leaf stalks. Moreover, the price of broiler feed with hemp also has a significantly positive indirect influence on purchase intention through trust in the product, both CBD and by-products from leaves and leaf stalks.

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How to Cite
Weerasai, C., & Kajaysri, J. . (2024). The Influence of Product and Price of Broiler Feed with Hemp on Purchase Intention through Trust in the Product: A Comparison between CBD and By-product from Leaves and Leaf Stalks. Kasetsart Applied Business Journal, 18(28), 1–23.


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