
  • Thipwari Songnok มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครราชสีมา
  • นนทิยา จันทร์เนตร Nahon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Local wisdom, Local wisdom in treatment, Traditional chemists


This research aimed at collecting the knowledge asset about local wisdom treatment of folk medicine men in Nakhon Ratchasima province, examining their know-how and results of the local treatment that exist in the present days and disseminating the folk wisdom about healing techniques from folk medicine men. The research has chosen the purposive sampling with 13 folk medicine men, collecting information by interviewing that was approved by the experts. There was a structured interview questioning about the treatment and interview with the patient who is healed by the folk medicine men and unstructured interview questioning about the treatment from folk medicine men and group interview and discussion and analytic conclusion. The results revealed that the knowledge asset of local wisdom treatment of folk medicine men is the learning from their ancestor and non-ancestor, which are priests and laypersons. The folk medicine men select their heirs, who must be member of the same family or someone who interested and passionate in local wisdom, diligent, high attempt on remembering sacred healing spells and be a moral-person. The treatment major based on natural herbs and coconut-oil bone therapy. And knowledge asset promoting is supported by Nakhon Ratchasima Ratchabhat University arranging a public forum and giving them the certificates to honor the folk medicine men, who currently play the role of healers; some people in the communities in Nakhon Ratchasima, which consisted of two osteopaths, one coconut-oil massage therapist and three herbal therapists.


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How to Cite

Songnok, T., & จันทร์เนตร น. (2018). LOCAL WISDOM IN TREATMENT OF TRADITIONAL CHEMISTS IN NAKHON RATCHASIMA. Research Community and Social Development Journal, 12(3), 124–135. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NRRU/article/view/115075



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