Organizational culture, Competing value frameworkAbstract
Organizational culture and organizational effectiveness are manageable phenomena. It is meaning that both can be achieved if local administrators have realized the important of the organizational culture and organizational effectiveness and how it grows and expands. This article was aimed to examine relationship between organizational culture and organizational effectiveness, and to determine types of organizational culture, that effect on each effectiveness model in local administrative organization. The research based on the Denison organizational culture model; involvement culture, consistency culture, adaptability culture and mission culture and the competing value framework of Quinn and Rohrbaugh effectiveness model; human relationship model, internal process model, opened system model and rational goal model. Population was all municipality and Tambon Administrative Organization (TAO) in Thailand, and the sample consists of 60 municipalities and 60 TAOs where were selected through stratified cluster multistage sampling. The statistical analysis methods applied to this research comprised descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, such as Person correlation and linear multiple regression. The Pearson correlation analysis revealed that organizational culture model has a very highly significant relationship with organizational effectiveness (r=0.87, p<0.01). The different types of organizational culture were also predictors of each effectiveness model in local administrative organization. Furthermore, the mission culture was the most prominent of the four types in term of fostering all organizational effectiveness models.
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