Instructional Package for Basic Guitar, Satisfaction Towards the Package, Learning AchievementAbstract
This research aims to develop a basic playing guitar learning package for elementary students, compare of learning achievement between before and after using of learning package and to study the student's satisfactions towards the using of learning package. This research is semi-experimental model. Sample of this research are elementary students grade 5, Thepwittaya School that were studying in first semester, 2017 academic year, consist of 9 classes, 286 students. The sample group was randomly assigned by group randomization method. Classrooms were defined as random unit then draw lots for 1 class which was class 5/1, 30 students were collected data. Research instruments are comprise of basic playing guitar learning management plan, learning achievement test and student's satisfactions evaluation form with IOC score between 0.67-1.00, the quality of the lesson is not less than 80/80. Statistics that were used for data analysis consist of average and standard deviation. The research found that the efficiency of the learning package (E1/E2) which is 81.40/88.83 as in line with the criteria. Learning achievement after using learning package was significantly higher at the 0.05 level. Student's satisfactions toward learning package are at the highest level in all aspects; including content (=4.77, S.D.=0.22), learning activities (
=4.75, S.D.=0.25), and learning media (
=4.70, S.D.=0.26). The results shown that an interesting themes basic playing guitar learning package and the content is easy to understand improved playing guitar skill to right direction, stimulate learning, analytical thinking which the student can self-learning that consequently increased student achievement scores.
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