
  • Waewalee Waewchimplee NRRU


EOP, Students' demands, Preforming Arts, University students


Universities have focused their attention on implementing English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) with the aim of increasing institutional visibility at an advanced level. EOP is a student-centred learning whose main features are: special attention to students’ needs; inclusion of content-related material and activities; and the use of innovative teaching methodology. The analysis of those needs is a cornerstone of any EOP course, as it provides specialists with essential information for developing English for performing art students. The aim of this study was to analyse students’ needs regarding English course of the 2nd year students at the Performing Arts Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Thailand. 78 students from academic year of 2016-17 composed as the research sample. Questionnaires and interviews were used. Results shows that students perceive speaking and listening can be the most difficult skills but also the most needed for their professional future. In addition, they prefer to study Performing Arts contents by means of interactive strategies and a student-centred learning. Implementing Preforming Arts related EOP courses is a necessary step for the academic and professional development of students. Special focus must be put on speaking and listening, as well as more practical teaching strategies that allow students to be active during the EOP class.


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How to Cite

Waewchimplee, W. (2018). NEEDS ANALYSIS TO ENGLISH FOR OCCUPATIONAL PURPOSES: ENHANCING COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF PERFORMING ARTS STUDENTS. Research Community and Social Development Journal, 12(3), 14–24. retrieved from



Research Articles