The causal factors, Attitude to sex, Path analysis, Structural equation modelAbstract
This study aimed to examine variables influencing ADIS prevention behavior of secondary school students in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The sample consisted of 1,000 secondary schools students and multistage random sampling technique was used in this study. Eight types of the instruments were used in the study comprised: a scale on Parenting Rearing, a scale on Media, a scale on Self Confidence, a scale on Self Efficacy, a scale on Emotional Quotient, a scale on Adversity Quotient, a scale on the attitude to sexual, a scale on the ADIS prevention behavior of secondary school students. The reliability values of the instrument were at 962, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.92, 0.91, 0.95, 0.92 respectively. Data were analyzed by using latent variable of path analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the study were as follows: 1. The Causal Model Factors Influencing the ADIS prevention behavior at secondary schools students was consisted with empirical data regarding 2=325.05, df =283, 2/df=1.12, p=0.09, CFI=0.99, GFI=0.97, AGFI=0.96, RMSEA=0.01, RMR=0.02 2. The variable directly affected perception of the ADIS prevention behavior of secondary schools students had attitude to sexual, Self Efficacy, and Media. The variable indirectly affected the ADIS prevention behavior at second schools students was Adversity Quotient. The variables both directly and indirectly affected perception of the ADIS prevention behavior at second schools students was Emotional Quotient, Self Confidence, and Parenting Rearing. All variables could explain the variance of the ADIS prevention behavior at secondary schools students at 85.00 percent.
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