Technical efficiency, The savings cooperative, Police saving and credit cooperativeAbstract
This study aims to 1) study the factors that affect the technical enhancement in the implementation of the police savings and credit cooperatives, 2) compare operational efficiency between the police savings and credit cooperatives in Thailand. There are 21 examples with a secondary information during the year of 2015-2017, using an economics variable. A production factor consists of, 1) members’ deposit, 2) capital 3) personal expenses, and 4) expenses for buildings, locations and equipment, in addition, a productivity factors includes, 1) loan receivables, 2) interest income, and 3) other incomes by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
The results showed that the factors in the output factor, there were the receivable of loan, interest income, loan to other income, moreover, in the part of the production factor, there were the costs of the staff, such as a seminar fee and a comparison of operational efficiency between the police savings and credit cooperative. Under the CRS model, the cooperatives over three-years period which has an effective value 1. in 4 cooperatives as 19.05% were found, which totally an average performance value of 0.857. However, under the VRS model, it has an effective value 1, within 10 cooperatives can be seen as 47.62% in total, which an average performance value of 0.910. Thus, the average performance value according to the CRS model is less than the value of VRS, but the results of Thai cooperative savings can improve operational efficiency by considering the most effective production and output factors.
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