Causal Factors, Customer Loyalty, 4-star Hotels in BangkokAbstract
This research aims to study the causal factors and analyze the relation of causal factors that influence customer loyalty of 4-star hotels in Bangkok as well as comparing customer loyalty level classified by nationality, and the purpose of using the service. The example group is 303 hotel’s customers. Collect the data by using a questionnaire. Analyze the data by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using the structural equation model by computer’s program. The analysis result of the confirmatory factor analysis found that the goodness of fit index complies with the criteria. (χ2/d.f.=1.77, CFI=0.99, TLI=0.99, RMSEA=0.05, and SRMR=0.01). Therefore, the causal model is consistent with empirical information. The result of causal factors analysis found that market orientation factor has a direct positive influence on customer loyalty (0.227) and has an indirect influence on customer loyalty through innovation and service quality (0.693). Therefore, market orientation has total influence on customer loyalty is 0.920, which is a statistically significant influence at the level of 0.05. It also found that foreign tourists have higher average customer loyalty than Thai tourists and tourists who have the purpose of traveling or relaxing have higher customer loyalty than the tourists who have the purpose of business contacting, meeting or seminar.
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