Development model, Internal quality assurance administration, Internal quality assurance, Basic education schoolsAbstract
The research purposes were to develop and evaluate the model of internal quality assurance administration in basic education schools under Regional Education Office No.13. Qualitative research was conducted by interviewing 4 school directors in the best practice schools, selected by purposive sampling. A tool was the semi-structured Interviews form. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The target group for focus group discussion to create the model were 9 experts. The instrument was the focus group discussion record form. The 5 experts, evaluating the accuracy and appropriate of the model, and 40 school directors experimented using the model, after trial the model, evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of the model. The data were collected by using 5-rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The research result found that a model of internal quality assurance administration in basic education schools under Regional Education Office No.13, including user manual, composed of three parts: part 1) concepts and principles, part 2) objectives, and part 3) developmental processes for internal quality assurance administration in basic education schools. The model was evaluated by experts and school directors. According to the experts, the accuracy and appropriate of the model was evaluated at the highest level. After self-studying, as the result, the school directors, evaluated the feasibility and usefulness of the model at the highest level.
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