Communication network, Underground lottery gambler, Middle-classAbstract
The research objective was to study the subsequent development of the communication network of middle-class underground lotto gamblers. The study examines the connection among major dealers, small dealers, sellers, and middle-class underground lotto gamblers. It is a qualitative research utilizing in-depth interview for data collection from 7 respondents in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The respondents have more than 5 years experience with income more than 18,000 baht. Consideration would be based on the occupation, family reputation, and lifestyle. Snowball sampling was used to access respondents. The 10 months period of study was August 1, 2019 to May 2, 2020. The text and context with supplementary field observation were analyzed as a gambler to gain the insider view.
The research findings are presented as follows: participants have started the business by absorbing the behavior from people around them. There are both old and new sellers. Some of them gamble and sell underground lotto. The financial circulation in the past was as high as 30 million baht. The young generation of dealers would make about 10 million baht. Sellers have sales volume of approx 3,000-50,000 baht/draw. They can contact the major dealers easily on their phone at anytime. Technology has replaced the stringers. The relationship in the network both in reality and virtual world are done openly. Thus, the underground lotto business is a mean of accumulation of power and influence.
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