The positive self-talk training program, Emotional quotient, Self-esteemAbstract
The two purposes of this research were: 1) To develop a positive self-talk training program for the Faculty of Education students in Suratthani Rajabhat University; and 2) To compare the emotional quotient and self-esteem of the Faculty of Education students before and after using the positive self-talk training program. Based on simple random sampling (SRS), the chosen sample was one class of 30 students, majoring in social science, in the first semester of academic year 2019 from the Faculty of Education, Suratthani Rajabhat University. The instruments used in collecting the data were an emotional quotient test for 18-60 year olds, developed by the Department of Mental Health, and a self-esteem test whose reliability was measured at .933. Data were collected from participation in a positive self-talk program consisting of eight activities. Each activity took 60-90 minutes for six weeks. The collected data were analyzed by arithmetic mean, standard deviation, E1/E2 and t-test for dependent means. The main findings were as follows:
- The average performance in the positive self-talk training program for the Faculty of Education students in Suratthani Rajabhat University was at a high level.
- After using the positive self-talk program, students had, on average, significantly higher emotional quotient scores than before using the positive self-talk program.
- After using the positive self-talk program, students had significantly higher self-esteem scores than before using the positive self-talk program.
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