Manipulative skill, Manipulative skill test, Normal standard of the manipulative skill testAbstract
This study aimed to 1) develop a manipulative skill test for primary school students, 2) to validate the manipulative skill test for primary school students, and to create the normal standards at the school level. The research methodology was the quantitative approach. The samples were purposively selected. The participants included 275 fourth grade primary school students at Kasetsart University Laboratory School Center for Educational Research and Development and five experts. The research instrument was the manipulative skill test developed by the researcher and validated by experts with the IOC score of 1.00 for all four skills, namely 1) striking with the hand, 2) striking with an implement, 3) throwing and catching, and 4) striking with feet. The data were subsequently analyzed using basic statistics, including mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and t-value.
The study revealed that the manipulative skill test for primary school students has the IOC score of 1.0, objectivity score of the experts more than 0.80, and reliability of the test-retest more than 0.80. In addition, the discrimination of the four skills of the test was able to clearly distinguish between the high scoring and low scoring groups by calculating the independent sample t-test using Edward’s 25% technique, showing the statistical significance of 0.05. More specifically, striking with an implement had the lowest score of 2.01 (S = 0.73), followed by striking with hand 2.22 (S = 0.84), throwing and catching 2.43 (S = 0.96), and striking with feed had the highest mean score of 2.71 (S = 1.03). The standards can be generally divided into five groups, namely very high, high, average, low, and very low.
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