Strategy, Development, Operation of student support system, Ethnic diversityAbstract
The objectives of this research and development were follows to : 1) study the problems, conditions, related factors of 460 people who work in relation to educational institutions under Tak Primary Educational Service Area. The sampling size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan calculations of 210 students. Data was collected using a questionnaire (IOC; 0.60-1.00, a; 0.92-0.94) as well as analyzing the percentage, mean and standard deviation. Group conversation that was specifically chosen in which the data collection questionnaires and then used to analyze the content, 2) develop a strategy by studying, analyzing documents and websites by considering the importance and actual scores. The values obtained determined the strategic direction. The second workshop required 14 informants to brainstorm and draft the conclusion of the strategy draft and organized, and 3) conduct a strategy experiment based on manual and trial plans, and assessments (IOC; 0.80-1.00). Data were analyzed by finding the average, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The results were follows: 1) the overall condition of the process was 51.07%, with moderate problems, 2) a strategy was obtained consisting of 18 objectives, and 45 measures in which the organization uses proactive strategies, 3) the results showed that there was 89.10 percent of satisfaction and was at the highest level, consistent with the evaluation criteria. The assessment results showed that the vision was as the highest level were also at the highest level.
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