Health tourism destination image, Marketing strategies, Intention to revisit, Causal relationship modelAbstract
The study examined health tourism destination image, marketing strategies, and tourists’ intention to revisit Prachinburi Province, employing a causal relationship model of health tourism destination image and marketing strategies affecting to tourists’ intention to revisit in Prachinburi province with an empirical data, and examined the influence of health tourism destination image and marketing strategies on tourists’ revisit Intention. A questionnaire with both high reliability and validity was performed as an instrument for collecting the data from 1,349 tourists who were purposively selected. Descriptive statistics were used, a structural equation model was established and a path analysis was performed. An established hypothesis, which was the model consistent with the empirical data, was tested with a 0.05 level of statistical significance. The findings revealed that destination image, as well as marketing strategies, were perceived, as being at a high level. Hypothesis testing results showed that the causal relationship model was consistent with the empirical data. The variables of destination image and marketing strategies contributed to intention to revisit, accounting for 73 percent of the total variance. Destination image had direct positive effects on the health tourists’ intention to revisit, while marketing strategies had no effect values. Destination image had an indirect negative effect on tourists’ revisit intention through marketing strategies.
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