Small engine and motorcycle practice, Blended e-learning, MIAPAbstract
The four objectives of this research were to: 1) develop and find out the efficiency of the blended E-learning model; 2) compare learning outcome before and after learning by using the E-learning model; 3) study learner competency after using the E-learning model; and 4) assess the satisfaction of learners toward E-learning with the developed E-learning model. The sample consisted of 24 students in the Mechanical Technical Education program of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Khon Kaen Campus, chosen by random sampling. The research instruments were a quality-based evaluation questionnaire for E-learning, with the quality of the content contained in the e-learning being at a very high level, the blended E-learning model competency plan on Practice on Vehicle Electrical and Electronics Systems course, the lesson plan of blended E-learning on competency base using MIAP method, a learning outcome test, an evaluation form of competency performance, and a learner satisfaction test. The data were analyzed with the statistics of mean, standard deviation and t-test. The four main results demonstrated that 1) the efficiency of the developed E-learning model satisfied the expectation criteria; 2) learning achievement of the mean post-test score was significantly higher than at the pre-test; 3) learners’ competency after using developed E-learning model was at the highest level; and 4) learners’ satisfaction towards the developed E-learning model was at the highest level, consistent with the hypothesis of the research.
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