Development of peanut product, Creating added value, Raising community income, Thai ban agricultural groupAbstract
The research study of the thai agricultural community enterprise group, Hoo Tham Nop sub-district, Pakham district, Buriram province had study aimed to; 1) study the potential of group management appropriately, 2) develop the peanut products to raise income, 3) study costs, returns, and the financial ratios from peanut cultivation, and 4) develop selling channels for peanut products. Participatory action research was used in this study. The target the group was determined with a purposive sampling of 20 people. Data were collected through conferences, forums, in-depth interviews, and focus group brainstorming sessions using structured, expert-approved. Data were analyzed by using summaries in essays, tabular formats, numbers, percentages, and profit and loss statements. Research findings were revealed as follows. First, there was potential appropriate management capacity is insufficient. Secondly, developing outstanding peanut products by processing 3 products: peanut coffee, peanut butter, and herb-fried peanuts. (crispy nuts). Thirdly, peanut cultivation cost 74,005.50 baht per person, and the total income from peanut kernel was 183,295.00 baht per person, representing an average gross profit margin per person of 63.25% and an average net profit margin per person of 59.62%. Lastly, the developed channel included sales in front of stores, retail stores, souvenir shops, direct sales through agencies that visit the center, through government, network, and online sales.
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