Entrepreneurial, Total Quality Management, Business PerformanceAbstract
The objective of this quantitative research is to 1) Study the role of the Government Savings Bank in promoting entrepreneurship, overall quality management, and the business performance outcomes of business loan customers. 2) Verify the consistency and causal relationship of the causal factor model that influences the business performance outcomes of business loan customers, both directly and indirectly. The sample size was determined to be highly appropriate based on the method proposed by Comrey and Lee (1992), with a total of 502 samples. The sampling was conducted using both purposive and multistage sampling methods. The research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire with a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of 0.874. Data was collected through the Line application. The data were analyzed using statistical techniques, including calculating the mean, standard deviation, variance, and correlation. The causal relationships were examined through structural equation modeling, and hypothesis testing was conducted using regression analysis to find the standardized coefficients of the independent variables. The research findings indicate that the Government Savings Bank plays the most significant role in promoting capabilities among entrepreneurs overall (=4.27). Furthermore, it is highly consistent with the empirical data that the role of the Government Savings Bank in promoting entrepreneurship has a direct positive influence on overall quality management (
=0.883). Moreover, there is a positive indirect influence on the business performance outcomes of business loan customers through overall quality management (
=0.259). So, it can be utilized to drive proactive business operations and effectively manage risks for entrepreneurs.
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