
  • Suparat Kaewsrem Faculty of Management Science Phetchabun Rajabhat University
  • Em Saikamnor Faculty of Management Science, Phetchabun Rajabhat University




Non-communicable diseases, Self-monitoring, Health information tracking system


    Modern technology has been used as a tool to increase channels for monitoring health information from patients to healthcare providers in order to prepare suitable activities before the scheduled day of medication. The objectives of this research were to develop a system for monitoring health information from non-communicable disease (NCD) patients and to study satisfaction with the system's effectiveness. The sample consisting of 51 individuals selected using a purposive sampling and 349 individuals through a cluster sampling, totaling 400 individuals. The instruments used were an unstructured interview, a need survey, and a satisfaction assessment with an index of consistency between 0.67-1.00. Data were collected by meeting, training, and evaluating the satisfaction after using the system. Data was analyzed using statistics to determine mean and standard deviation. The findings indicated that the developed system was divided into two parts: a system for monitoring the transmission of health information for patients, and a system for administrators and medical personnel. Overall satisfaction with the system's effectiveness among the sample was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{X} =3.97, S.D.=0.72). Thus, using technology to record health information could reduce working redundancy in the medical personnel and waiting time for service and alleviate congestion problems within hospitals.


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ภาพ 8 กราฟแสดงข้อมูลสุขภาพรายบุคคล




How to Cite

Kaewsrem, S., & Saikamnor, E. (2023). A SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF HEALTH INFORMATION IN PATIENTS MONITORING NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES (NCDS): A CASE STUDY OF THE MUANG PHETCHABUN COMMUNITY. Research Community and Social Development Journal, 17(2), 166–179. https://doi.org/10.14456/nrru-rdi.2023.28



Research Articles