Health pollution, Public health, Native starch factoryAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the problem condition in the common pollution 2) to find out the impact of public health and 3) to study the guideline of a development plan, prevent and solve the problem effects of the environmental quality. This quantitative study defined a scope to delimitate nearby a native starch factory, Nong Bua Subdistrict, Pakham District, Buriram Province and a sample was selected from 3 villages, 100 people in each village, totalling 300 people using closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires approved by the expert. the Descriptive statistics were analyzed using a fieldwork survey collecting issues and opinions to determine percentages and content analysis. The findings indicated that most of them found the problems with pollution sources from a lot of dust, toxic air/smog, water pollution in the community, chemicals, and plastic paper from factories. For the health effects, there were abnormal symptoms of visual impairment and vision, burning eyes, and tears. There was a concern about their health which might be affected by factories’ pollution. The results suggest that the guidelines for the participating development plan management for sanitation and environmental quality, the certified operation plan for the energy saving policy, the factory automatic machine investment, the plan for databased physical analysis and environmental ecology system for protection, and the plans for rehabilitation and development of physical and mental health to solve the public health comprehensively and equally.
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