
  • Mattika Samitsomboon College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North




Self-discipline, Vocational certificate students, Pre-engineering curriculum students


    The conduct of students must arise from voluntary willingness rather than being forced, as it is crucial for the ability to self-develop. This is the reason behind conducting research. The objective is to study the level of self-discipline and compare the self-discipline of professional certificate-level students in the Pre-Engineering Curriculum. The study focuses on three disciplines: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. The sample group consists of 297 individuals selected through simple random sampling. A questionnaire survey was a Likert scale with 4 levels, with an entire reliability coefficient of 0.909. A total of 248 data sets were collected through online channels amounts to 83.50%. The level of self-discipline was analyzed using descriptive statistics to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing using a one-way analysis of variance. The research findings revealed that 1) Overall, the level of self-discipline among students was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{X} =2.91, S.D.=0.36). And when comparing the self-discipline of students across three different academic disciplines that align with the hypothesized expectations in all five aspects comprising in terms of responsibility, self-confidence, leadership, perseverance, and adherence to societal rules and regulations, there were no differences in the statistically significant level of 0.05. Therefore, educational institutions need to establish strategies for fostering self-discipline among students in order to cultivate age-appropriate and education-level-appropriate self-discipline skills.


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How to Cite

Samitsomboon, M. (2023). A STUDY OF SELF-DISCIPLINE OF VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE STUDENTS IN PRE-ENGINEERING COURSE. Research Community and Social Development Journal, 17(2), 180–190. https://doi.org/10.14456/nrru-rdi.2023.29



Research Articles