Factors Affecting the Procurement Performance of Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, China

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Tu Gaogang
Busaya Vongchavalitkul
Songwut Burimjitt


Background and Aims Efficient procurement is crucial for colleges and universities to optimize resource allocation and support teaching and research activities. This study examines the factors influencing procurement performance in higher education institutions, using Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology as a case study. It explores how procurement planning, resource allocation, employee competence, and procurement procedures contribute to procurement performance. Material and Method A questionnaire survey was conducted among 293 faculty members of Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology who volunteered to participate, selected through a random sampling method. The analysis included descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis).

Results The study found significant positive relationships between procurement planning, resource allocation, employee competence, procurement procedures, and procurement performance. The combined influence of these factors explained 18.9% of the variance in procurement performance (Adjust R² = 0.189, F = 17.97, p ≤ 0.000). While all factors contributed to improved performance, procurement procedures had the strongest impact (beta = 0.256,t = 4.337, p ≤ 0.000), followed by employee competence (beta = 0.153, t = 3.536, p ≤ 0.000), procurement planning (beta = 0.143, t = 2.939, p ≤ 0.000), and resource allocation (beta = 0.131, t = 3.194, p ≤ 0.00) to a lesser extent.

By analyzing the factors influencing college procurement performance, this study offers valuable insights for developing preventive and corrective measures. These measures can promote the sustainable and healthy development of college procurement performance, ultimately addressing the bottlenecks hindering its progress.

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