An Importance-Performance Analysis of the Attractiveness of Local Wisdom Museums in the Lower Northern Provincial Cluster 1 การวิเคราะห์ความสำคัญและประสิทธิผลความดึงดูดใจของพิพิธภัณฑ์ภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่น ในกลุ่มจังหวัดภาคเหนือตอนล่าง 1

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Nuttapuch Worrakulwattana
Siripen Dabphet
Chalongsri Pimonsompong


This research aims to study the attractiveness of local wisdom museum components from the tourists’ perspectives and to provide a guideline to create the attractiveness of local wisdom museums in the lower northern Provincial Cluster 1. A quantitative research design was used. A survey questionnaire of 400 Thai tourists who visited the local wisdom museums in the area were collected. Statistical analysis was employed as a technique to avail demographic characteristics of the tourists. Importance-performance analysis was used to examine the attractiveness of local wisdom museum components. In addition, SWOT analysis was used to strategically identify areas of improvement for the attractiveness of local wisdom museums. The results showed that the attractiveness of local wisdom museums can be divided into 2 levels: the highest level of attractiveness which are objects in the museums and exhibitions, and the high level of attractiveness which are the location of the museums, reception/ticket office, souvenir areas and general facilities. The IPA analysis indicated the main factors that need to be improved in local wisdom museums are display and exhibition to encourage tourists to get involved with the museums. Additionally, exhibitions in the local wisdom museums need to stimulate discussions with family and friends.


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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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