Psychosocial Factors Related to Hygiene Behavior in Community of Secondary School Students

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Worapat Mekkhachorn
Boonyod Sriratanasarana
Laksanaporn Kamdee


The research was a correlation comparative study using the conceptual framework of the interactionism model. This study aimed to identify significant predictors and risk groups related to hygiene behavior in the community to prevent COVID-19 illness among secondary school students. The sample chosen using multi-stage sampling method, consisted of 380 secondary school students. The instrument used to measure the variable was summated rating scales with reliability of .771-.952. Multiple regression analysis found that a total of nine variables, including of psychological traits, situational factors, and psychological states could predict 54.7% of the variance in community hygiene behavior in the overall group. The most important predictor was good attitude towards hygiene behavior, followed by readiness to perform hygiene behavior to prevent COVID-19 disease, and future orientation and self-control. The group at risk for hygiene behavior in the community was male students who should be urgently improved in terms of good attitudes towards hygiene behavior, seeing good examples from family, evaluating core self-evaluation, future orientation, and self-control, and being positively influenced by friends, respectively. The results of this research provided guidelines for promoting hygiene behavior in community of secondary school student. The research findings were utilized by the relevant agencies to provide guidelines for encouraging hygienic practices in the community for the purpose of preventing COVID-19 infections and as a basis for future investigations

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How to Cite
Mekkhachorn, W., Sriratanasarana, B., & Kamdee, L. (2024). Psychosocial Factors Related to Hygiene Behavior in Community of Secondary School Students. Journal of Social Development and Management Strategy, 26(1), 56–78. retrieved from
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