The Journal of Studies in the English Language (jSEL) is a well-established, peer-reviewed journal managed by the Department of English and Linguistics at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand. Since its founding in 2003, the journal has given academics from the ASEAN region and beyond a vital platform to publish their creative works on English, especially in relation to the difficulties associated with teaching and learning the language and the perspectives of non-Western scholars on Western literature. The journal's strict double-blind peer review procedure, which guarantees that all published articles fulfil the highest criteria of academic integrity, is proof of its dedication to high-quality scholarship.

jSEL publishes works written in English and on the topic of the English language, including empirical research articles, academic articles, review articles, and book reviews. jSEL welcomes work done by ASEAN scholars that focuses on the unique challenges and issues surrounding the use of English in this part of the world. jSEL is especially interested in issues related to English language use in transcultural, translanguaging, and translational settings. These issues include work done in the following broad areas:
          • English language teaching, learning, and assessment
          • Discourse, register, and stylistic analysis of English varieties
          • Intercultural communication
          • Literary & cultural studies
          • Translation and interpretation

jSEL operate a double-blind peer review process. The full details of which can be found on our Peer Review Process page.

jSEL publish three issues a year in electronic format only (starting in 2024):
          • Issue 1: January–April
          • Issue 2: May–August
          • Issue 3: September–December

          • Empirical Research Articles (max. 9000 words inclusive of references) that use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method approaches. Papers should include a concise title, abstract (200-250 words), keywords, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
          • Academic Articles (max. 7000 words excluding references) that focus on theoretical and methodological issues, including literary and cultural studies, and stylistic analysis. Papers applying established literary theories to texts (e.g., case studies) are considered only if they contribute new insights or advancements to the field. Submissions should address theory, methodology, or textual analysis.
          • Review Articles (max. 5000 words including references) Review articles are papers that offer succinct, up-to-date reviews of a current topic. They should offer some implications for moving the field further and thus balance summary with discussion/critique. Papers that offer only summaries will be desk rejected.
          • Book Reviews (max. 1500 words) that review recent publications that are relevant to JSEL’s scope and aims. If you would like to review a book for the Journal of Studies in the English Language, then please contact one of our Associate Editors.
For the full details related to each of these types of papers, see our Author Guidelines page.

jSEL is a diamond open access journal, meaning that there are no fees for authors or readers. All the journal’s content is available for free to download (CC BY 4.0 license); electronic versions of articles are made available on the jSEL website in the form of pdf files that can be downloaded free of charge and without the need for any kind of registration.

Exciting News: JSEL is Now Being Indexed in Scopus!


Dear Esteemed Contributors, Readers, and Colleagues,

I am delighted to share a significant milestone in the journey of the Journal of Studies in the English Language (jSEL). We are thrilled to announce that JSEL will now be indexed in Scopus, one of the world's leading abstract and citation databases for academic research.

This achievement underscores the quality and impact of the scholarship published in JSEL, reflecting the dedication of our authors, reviewers, and editorial team. Being indexed in Scopus is a testament to our commitment toward advancing research in English language studies and providing a global platform for innovative and high-quality academic work, especially from local Thai scholars.

The indexing process is already underway. Elsevier, the parent company of Scopus, is currently transferring titles and abstracts from our recent issues into their database. This process ensures that the outstanding research published in JSEL will gain increased visibility and accessibility, further amplifying its reach and influence within the academic community.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our contributors, readers, and supporters for your continued engagement with JSEL. Your contributions have been instrumental in helping us reach this significant achievement. As we look ahead, we remain committed to upholding the highest standards of academic excellence and fostering meaningful contributions to the field of English language studies.

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. We look forward to continuing this exciting chapter together.

Warm regards,

Neil Bowen
Journal of Studies in the English Language (JSEL)

Peer reviewers


Journal of Studies in the English Language (jSEL) is a peer-reviewed journal, having been publishing continuously for more than 15 years. On behalf of the editorial board, we would like to thank you for submitting your work with jSEL. 

In reference to the Notification of the Civil Service Commission on Academic Ranking Appointment Request (4th) issued on 5 July B.E. 2564 (2021), we would like to inform you that in the future there will be at least three peer reviewers from different institutions, starting from the 17 January 2022 until further notice.

Note. An invited paper is a manuscript (original research article, academic article, or review) solicited by the journal's editor to an author or group of authors who is an expert in a specific field (based on the author's reputation, expertise, or previous work). A publication from such author(s) is used to help the journal highlight new insights and research topics related to the English language. Invited papers are subjected to the editor’s review before being accepted for publication.

jSEL Editor

Announcement to authors


Please be informed that jSEL will start using the APA Seventh Edition Style Guidelines in 2021. All manuscripts submitted on January 1, 2021 onwards are expected to follow these guidelines. Any manuscripts not conforming to APA 7th edition will be returned to the author.

Vol. 19 No. 3 (2024): September - December 2024

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