Move Analysis of Women and Men’s Personal Care Product Online Advertisements

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Chatnarong Chaidet
Apisak Pupipat


This study explores the moves found in online personal care advertisements using genre analysis. The data was comprised of 30 female and 30 male English advertisements, collected from various brand’s official websites. A framework of move structures based on promotional discourse was used to identify and compare move structures between the two advertisement groups. The findings suggested that the obligatory moves were similar in both groups, namely Headlines move, Detailing the product or service move, and Link button move, but different in terms of optional moves. Move 5 Establishing credentials was found only in women’s advertisements and Move 6 Endorsement or testimonials was Move 6 Endorsements or testimonials was found in the women’s advertisements two times more than that of men’s. Move 2 Targeting the market frequently occurred in the men’s advertisement more than those of women’s. Research and pedagogical implications of the study were also discussed.

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How to Cite
Chaidet, C., & Pupipat, A. (2021). Move Analysis of Women and Men’s Personal Care Product Online Advertisements. Journal of Studies in the English Language, 16(2), 22–51. retrieved from
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