An Investigation of non-Thai Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Towards English Medium Instruction in a Thai Secondary School Context

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Chonlatee Hoofd
Kornwipa Poonpon


The rapid adoption of English Medium Instruction (EMI) globally, including in Thailand, highlights the need to understand the beliefs and practices of EMI teachers in varying contexts. Accordingly, this study explores the beliefs of non-Thai teachers in Thai secondary schools and how these beliefs influence their classroom practices and potentially impact the success of the EMI programs they teach. Through a qualitative case study employing classroom observations and stimulated recall interviews, we investigated the beliefs and practices of three non-Thai teachers. The findings revealed the positive and negative aspects of the teachers’ beliefs about EMI and beliefs about how to promote effective learning in their EMI context. The study also found both alignment and misalignment between teachers’ beliefs and their classroom practices. While some beliefs were effectively implemented into practice, others faced challenges due to contextual factors, leading to inconsistencies in EMI implementation. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of intercultural awareness and prior experience in shaping effective EMI teaching practices. Overall, the study underscores the need for targeted professional development that addresses both cognitive and practical aspects of EMI teaching, aiming to enhance educational outcomes in non-Anglophone contexts.

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Hoofd , C. ., & Poonpon, K. (2024). An Investigation of non-Thai Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Towards English Medium Instruction in a Thai Secondary School Context. Journal of Studies in the English Language, 19(2), 117–151. retrieved from
Research Articles


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