The jsn Journal Publishing Ethics Guidelines

1. On part of the author(s):
1.1 Any manuscript submitted for review and publication in the jsn Journal must never be published before, and must not be under consideration for publication in any journal or other academic publication. Invited articles, however, are excluded.
1.2 Plagiarism and/or duplication, in whole or part, including self-plagiarism, shall not be tolerated. Accurate and thorough referencing shall be duly made in accordance with the Journal’s strict referencing guidelines.
1.3 The author(s) shall not be involved in manipulation and/or falsification with respect to the presentation of his/her research findings.
1.4 The author list, which shall be submitted along with the manuscript, shall reflect the individuals’ genuine contributions to the work.
1.5 The author shall specify any source(s) of research funding, and shall declare any potential conflicts of interest.


2. On part of Journal editors:
2.1 The editors must not possess any conflicts of interest with the author(s) and reviewers.
2.2 The editors shall reserve the right to put all submissions through rigorous and reliable plagiarism checking tools and methods.
2.3 The editors shall ensure a fair review procedure that is free from personal prejudice by subjecting every submitted manuscript to a peer-review procedure conducted by a panel of no less than two qualified experts from related field(s).
2.4 The editors shall not disclose any information or content of the manuscript under review, including any information about the author(s) and the reviewers thereof.
2.5 In the case that the review conducted by two experts produces an inconclusive result, the editors shall resort to the expertise of a third reviewer in an effort to find a common ground.


3. On part of reviewers:
3.1 The reviewers shall provide an objective review that is free from prejudice and bound by an appropriate time frame.
3.2 The reviewers shall not disclose any informationor content of the manuscript under review.
3.3 The reviewers shall notify the editors of any unethical behavior encountered over the course of review process, such as manipulation or falsification of research findings, or plagiarism, etc.
3.4 The reviewers shall not exert influence on the author(s) in a way that results in the solicitation of citations of the reviewers’ works or the works of people in their circle.
3.5 The reviewers shall notify the editors of any potential conflicts of interest they may share with the author(s).