A Study of the Thai Perspectiveon Kanji Learning Strategies:the Opinions of Teachers and LearnersKeywordsstrategy

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Bussaba Banchongmanee


In order to master Kanji, it is necessary to learn "writing”, "reading", "meaning", "usage".Therefore the relevant information needed to achieve mastery is vast and difficult to achieve. Therefore it is necessary to use appropriate strategies to overcome difficulties in mastering Kanji. There is a significant amount of research on  Kanji learning strategies, but existing research has been focused on what strategies learners use. The purpose of this research is to investigate teachers and learners' perspectives on  which strategies are effective  in mastering Kanji and whether there are any gaps between  teachers’ and learners’opinion,  in order to find ways to improve the teaching of Kanji in Thailand.

This research was conducted by dividing Kanji learning strategies into five categories, "writing”, "reading", "meaning", "usage" , and “other”. The findings revealed that the strategy that respondents think are most crucial to learning kanji is “writing” especially, “repeated writing”. In comparing the opinions between Teachers and Learners, the strategy that teachers think is most crucial is “guess kanji’s meaning from context”, and Learners’s answer is “repeated writing”.

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