Causes of the Miracle of the Resurrection of Matsuwaka and Image of the Teacher in the Noh Play: Tanikou.

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Winai Jamornsuriya


This research aims at studying causes of the miracle of the resurrection of Matsuwaka in the Noh play: Tanikou. The research also studies the image of the yamabushi leader as a teacher and leader of the yamabushi ascetic group. The research finds that Matsuwaka’s filial piety for his mother is one of the causes of the deity coming down to resurrect him. However, the deity comes in response to the yamabushi’s request for help. The cause of the yamabushi’s request is the need to have the leader to go on living and lead them to fulfill their goal of ascetic practices on the mountain. Additionally, the research analyses the image of the yamabushi leader and finds that he has a very positive image as a teacher but a negative image as a leader.

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