The Effectiveness of Teaching ~そうです and ~ようです in Japanese through Pictures and The Learners’ Satisfaction

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Suphin Sanruang


The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of using pictures as a means of teaching Japanese as a foreign language and the learners’ satisfaction of this teaching method.This research was quasi-experimental in design. Qualitative data was collected from in-depth interviews with three experts in order to create and develop instruments. The instruments were the course content for teaching そうです and ようです, a pre-test and a post-test, and a course content evaluation form to determine students’ satisfaction. Quantitative data was collected from a pilot test to determine the value of reliability, difficulty (p) and the discrimination (r). The participants consisted of two groups who studied through pictures and texts. The findings showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of the students’ pre-test and post-test from both groups (p = 0.001*), whereas the difference of the value of the mean from the pre-test and the posttest of both groups studying through pictures (M= 4.88) and texts (M= 2.25) was 2.63. The effectiveness index criteria of the group that studied through pictures was 0.52, over the 0.5 criteria, and was higher than the group that studied through texts which was at 0.24. In addition, the students’ satisfaction of the group studying through pictures using the course content of そうです and ようです was at 4.75 out of 5.00 higher than that of the group studying through texts at 3.80. The use of pictures was found to help the students overcome their problems in learning. Pictures could also motivate cognitive thinking of the similar grammar structures.

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