Issues Related to Internship Practices among Thammasat University’s Students Majoring in Japanese Language

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Siriwon Munintarawong


Personnel with multifaceted skills and internationally recognized competencies are being sought after in the labor market. Recognizing that an education focusing exclusively on theory or classroom learning can no longer contribute to the development of capabilities needed for real-world employment, the Japanese Section, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University introduced an internship program into its curriculum in 2014. This study identifies issues related to internship practices among Thammasat University’s students majoring in Japanese language. It focuses on skills needed to be acquired over the course of enrollment as well as those needed to be supplemented post-internship. These identified skills will be used as a guideline for skill development scheme that seeks to prepare students for real-world employment. Survey questionnaire, in-depth interview, report-based data collection, students’ in-class presentation, and company visits are employed as research tools. Research results reveal that the five most necessary skills that should be nurtured over the course of enrollment are: (a) communication skills; (b) language skills; (c) eagerness/enthusiasm; (d) teamwork spirit; and (e) jobrelated basic knowledge and skills. Moreover, the four skills currently identified as underdeveloped and should be further nurtured and followed up by the Japanese Section are: (a) language skills; (b) skills in information technology; (c) knowledge in business; and (d) managerial and problem-solving skills.

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