Labor Market Preparation for the Future of the Ageing Society: Lessons from Japan to Thailand
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Japan is the first ageing society in the world with one third of its citizens as an ageing population. The result is that Japan does not have sufficient number of working population due to a drastic decrease of population growth and longevity of its citizens. To solve the labor shortage problem, a retirement age has been extended, women have been given more rights to work, foreign labor has been imported, and robots as well as technology have been used to replace humans. As for Thailand, the country is stepping behind Japan. It is projected that, in the next two decades, one fifth of its citizens will become an ageing population. This article presents the data to indicate causes and factors of the global ageing society, particularly in Japan, in order to use them as lessons for Thailand, which is inevitable to encounter the problem of labor shortage. Current state policies on the ageing population have attempted to prevent the future problem by importing more foreign labor, extending the retirement age, promoting population growth, and exploiting labor from robots and the underprivileged. However, what the government should focus on and accelerate is a proper and correct long-term human resource development rather than an increase of low-quality population.
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