Kitchen... in Depth Meaning of Space in "Kitchen"

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Siriwan Preechanarit


Kitchen, the novel written by a Japanese female writer, Yoshimoto Banana, focuses on finding the meaning of
life of a young woman who had lost all her family members. She lived her life with loneliness, desolation and despair. Nevertheless, the love from the others lighted her up to cherish the value of life and to live happily at the end.
This article aims to study the depth meaning of space in kitchen. The study of space is an indispensable element in literature. Space is not only the scene nor the venue in the story, it also relates to the theme and affect the behavior of the characters in that certain space. The study of space in “Kitchen” will elicit a better comprehension of the context of the protagonist’s behavior. It also helps readers realize the importance of the kitchen area towards the behavior of the characters. Furthermore, the readers can have a full understanding and a clear concept of the whole story.
The findings of this study are 1) the kitchen area affects the behavior of Mikage, the protagonist in the story. Kitchen means the family space, nostalgia space and healing space; 2) the kitchen area makes the characters understand the value of life and the meaning of death; 3) the kitchen area makes the readers understand how space and characters are connected.

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