The Beliefs and Expectations of Thai Learners of Japanese Concerning Their Japanese Classes, Japanese Teachers, and the Teachers’ Role

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Yupaka Fukushima
Rika Inagak


The objective of this research was to study Thai learners’ beliefs and expectations concerning their  Japanese classes, Japanese teachers, and the teachers’ role. The target of this research was first- to fourth- year students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts Program in Japanese at Kasetsart University. Ninety-five students participated in the study and the results were as follows. 

              The terms of "a good Japanese class" that most of the learners identified were “a class that  enhanced the student’s Japanese language knowledge,” “a class in which the lecture was easy to understand,” “a class in which one felt comfortable and not stressed” in accordance with the idea of “a good Japanese teacher,” which was “a teacher that was good at teaching and where the explanations were easy to understand,” “a teacher that understood and accepted the students' way of thinking,” and “a teacher that made the class fun and not stressful.” Therefore, it can be said that Thai learners are fond of teachers that are kind, fun, easy to understand, and that prioritize the classroom atmosphere.

Regarding the learners’ beliefs about learning Japanese and the roles of the teacher, the study found that Thai learners give priority to learning about the Japanese culture, correct pronunciation skills, the learning of vocabulary and grammar, and using Japanese correctly. Furthermore, most of the learners expected the teacher to motivate and encourage the students. Additionally, it was felt that the teachers should manage the class so that it is fun. Further, the learners believed that learning with a native speaker is the best way to learn Japanese. Regarding the teachers’ language use, most of the learners agreed that Japanese teachers should primarily use the Japanese language, but they were not sure or disagreed that Thai teachers should use only the Thai language.

In terms of the expectations of the instructor and the language being used in the class, the study found that, one, the items that most of the learners expected to learn from a native Japanese teacher using the Japanese language as a medium of instruction were “Japanese pronunciation” and “Japanese conversation.” Second, the items that most of the learners expected to learn from Thai teachers, using the Thai language as a medium of instruction, were “grammar,” “Japanese literature,” “kanji,” and “translation/interpretation.” Meanwhile, approximately 40 to 50 percent of the students wanted the teachers to use half Japanese language and half Thai language in these courses. Three, the items that most of the learners expected from the team teaching of the Thai and Japanese teachers were “Japanese studies,” “Japanese for tourism/hotels,” “business Japanese,” “the comparative analysis of Japanese and Thai,” and “vocabulary.” Finally, fourth, the items regarding which the learners did not exactly express a preference for either a native Japanese teacher or Thai teacher were “writing” and “reading.”

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