The Role of Dreams in Sarashina Nikki
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Sarashina Nikki is a diary about the author’s journey and her life, written around 1060 A.D. by an author known only as the daughter of Sugawara no Takasue. In this diary, the author talks about her dreams and other people’s dreams many times. This article aims to study the role of dreams in the author’s life in Sarashina Nikki. It is hoped that this study will help in the understanding of the Japanese people’s belief about dreams during the Heian period. From the study, the belief that the sacred manitou will come to give guidance to the believer in a dream caused the people of that period to believe that dreams can predict what will happen in the future and can help a person know about his or her former life. It is also suggested that dreams play a role as a spiritual anchor and help to create hope in life.
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