The Beliefs about Gods that Influenced Master-retainer Relations in Japanese Medieval War Tales

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Suwapa Theerakittikul


This paper depicts the reasons behind Shōgun Yoritomo's likeness in relation to the Kamakura-Muromachi period or Middle Ages of Japan, a period in which Samurai warriors fought and killed one another and reflected on the impermanence of life. The story of warfare began as a collection of novels that outlined the power struggle between two powerful warrior clans, the Heike clan (平 家) and the Genji clan (源氏), from the late Hei-an period until the beginning of the Kamakura period. The conflicts are depicted in three prominent tales of war: Heike monogatari, Soga monogatari, and eiki. Finally, aided by his mighty army of warriors, Minamoto Yoritomo or Genji became the first shōgun or leader of the newly-created Japanese military government.

Images of Shōgun Yoritomo's perceived greatness were taken from various beliefs. Therefore this paper draws information from the three tales of war and other sources in order to capture the ideas held by groups of warriors towards Shōgun Yoritomo and to reconstruct his likeness based on the research. The research reveals that beliefs about gods and Buddhism, especially beliefs about the god Hachiman Daibosatsu, helped to promote the majestic and god-like image of Shōgun Yoritomo as being supported by the gods. In addition to his likeness, the research reveals beliefs about dreams and how they relate to justifying the ascension of Shōgun Yoritomo in relation to the resistance of the Heike clan.

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