Effects of learning activity based on CMM and RT on Japanese conversation style

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กวิตา ฟองสถาพร


This research aimed to study the effects of the learning activity based on Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) and Reader’s Theatre (RT) on Japanese conversation style (共話 or Kyouwa). The sample of this study was 11 students who were eleventh-grade students majoring in Japanese from a secondary school in Bangkok. The research instruments were 1) a learning activity based on CMM and RT 2) an evaluation form to analyze students’ Japanese conversation style with rubrics scores. Descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed - rank test were used to compare the data. The findings revealed that the students’ Japanese conversation style of the post-test were significantly higher than the pre-test at .01 level (z = 2.956, p-value = 0.003). Speaker role’s data were significantly higher at .01 level in which 1) indirect disagreement and 2) turn-taking were higher respectively. Listener role’s data were significantly higher at .01 which 1) reaction phrase and 2) backchannels signals were higher respectively. 

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