Japanese Clustering and Needs of Japanese Toward Long-stay Tourism in Thailand

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Tienkaew Liemsuwan
Kanjana Boonyoung
Pansek Arthornturasook
Shohei Ogawa


This research aims to categorize the Japanese clustering that tends to have a long stay in Thailand, to investigate the needs and factors related to the decision-making process of long-stay tourism, and to compare the needs and factors that are related to the categorization of Japanese clustering. The Japanese people aged over 50 years old living in Chonburi province, Rayong province in Thailand and living in Japan were used as samples, with 151 subjects. They tend to visit Thailand with the purpose of having a long stay in Thailand. A total of samples were carried out between August 2018 and February 2019. The research instrument used in this research project is an online questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Clustering analysis and hierarchical clustering were also used for data analysis. The results of the study show that the Japanese clustering was categorized into three groups: Group A, the single Japanese people (counted as 27.15%); Group B, the Japanese men with duties of taking care of their family (counted as 62.25%); and Group C, the Japanese women with duties of taking care of their family (counted as 10.60%). It was found that there were factors which attracted the Japanese people to have a long stay in Thailand. Group A people considered the weather the most important thing. Group B and C people considered the cost of living the most important factor. People in Group A were more likely to live in Thailand than people in Groups B and C. Regarding their needs, it was found that three groups of people needed medical service from public hospitals the most. Concerning accommodation, Group A and B people were expected to live in condominiums, whereas Group C people were expected to live in serviced apartments. The rent was the most important factor for people in Groups A and B when choosing a place to live. Group C people considered cleanliness and tidiness as the most important. All three groups of people considered the city environment the most important thing, and they needed to live near the hospital to reach the hospitals within 15–30 minutes. Regarding additional facilities, it was found that Group A people needed health assurance as the most important thing, while Group B and C people needed an interpreter as the most important thing.

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