The Assessment of Students’ Proficiencies According to the Waseda University Standard Framework After Studying Basic Japanese for the Care Workers Course Through Role-play Activities in Online Media

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Kamalas Keeratinanwatthana


The purpose of this research article was to study the knowledge and ability of students according to Waseda University’s standard framework. The sample group comprised fifteen 2nd year-university students who were taking basic Japanese for care workers, who were also given role-play activities in online media. Data was collected through a competency questionnaire adapted from Waseda University’s standard framework based on the perspective of students and teachers. The results of this research revealed that the students received reading, speaking, and listening scores at 7.73/25, 8.33/20, and 5.53/20 respectively in during the pre-test. During the post-test, the students received scores of 10.8/25, 11.45/20, and 8.6/20 respectively. Finally, the scores after the roleplay activities, increased to 14.8/25, 14.33/20, and 10.30/20 respectively. In addition, the students evaluated their self-efficacy according to Waseda University’s standard framework. There was a total of five levels. At Level 1, the students evaluated their listening skills at the most among other skills. At Level 2, the students evaluated their speaking skills as the highest. At Level 3, the students evaluated their listening skills as the highest. At Level 4, the students evaluated their reading skills as the highest and, at Level 5, the students assessed the speaking skills as the highest. Writing skills were deemed as the lowest evaluated skill based on the students’ assessment.  According to the teacher’ comments, it was found that the students had limited ability in listening, speaking, and reading vocabulary; and the writing ability was at a minimal. Finally, the students suggested utilizing learning tools from media such as CDs and videos to enhance their listening skills. Additionally, more activities were also suggested to further develop the speaking skills.  It was also suggested to use real documents for practicing reading and to practice specific Kanji writing. All of these suggestions will be useful to the future teaching of the Care Workers course. 

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